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Sibasi eBoard

Sibasi eBoard is the ultimate solution for your streamlined, effective, and efficient boards, committees, management and leadership teams. Your team will love Sibasi eBoard with it's intuitive and easy approach, helping them to be prepared, engaged, aligned and with easy collaboration for the best decision-making process

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Streamlined Meeting Management

Efficiently manage meetings with automated scheduling, real-time collaboration, and automatic capture of minutes and action items

Centralized Documents Repository

Centralize your documents and board packs in a secure repository, track versions for accuracy, and manage permissions to control access

Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Leverage AI to enhance decision-making, analyze text efficiently, and automate summarize document, meetings and board packs.

Transformative Governance with Sibasi eBoard

Sibasi eBoard is a powerful board management system that streamlines meeting scheduling, document organization, and decision-making. Centralize your board packs, receive real-time updates, and leverage AI-driven insights to drive success. Experience efficiency and seamless functionality with eBoard, transforming your board's operations.

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Easy to Use with Tons of Awesome Features

Sibasi eBoard's intuitive interface and robust features make board management effortless. Easily navigate and use tools that simplify your workflow and boost productivity.

  • Meeting Management
  • Tasks & Action Points Management
  • Document Management
  • eVoting, Polls & Surveys
  • Business Reports
  • eSignature
  • Video Conferencing Integration
  • Audit Trail

Why Choose Sibasi eBoard

eBoard delivers a seamless and efficient board management experience with intuitive features and advanced AI capabilities

Meeting Management

Organize and conduct meetings with ease, ensuring that all participants have access to necessary materials and can contribute effectively.

Document Management

Securely store, access, and manage all your board documents in one centralized location, with easy retrieval and collaboration features.


Facilitate fast and secure electronic signing of documents, streamlining the approval process and ensuring timely execution of agreements.


Leverage advanced AI features for enhanced data insights, automated processes, and smarter decision-making within your board management system.

Action Points & Approvals

Track and manage action points and approvals seamlessly, ensuring tasks are completed on time and decisions are executed promptly.

Notes & Collaboration

Capture notes during meetings and facilitate collaboration among board members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Our Clients & Partners

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